Google+ Mars Travel: When and Where Could Phobos-Grunt Crash?

When and Where Could Phobos-Grunt Crash?

Updates on Phobos-Grunt landing site. 

UPDATE:  Reports from senior Russian military officials indicate that Phobos-Grunt crashed into the Pacific 1250 km west of Wellington Island. The image below shows the area. (Map source: @JPMajor)


EDIT: According to Roscosmos (The Russian Space Agency) Phobos-Grunt is expected to make landfall between approximately 1250-1334ET in the Atlantic Ocean (As of 1238ET). [This is a pretty good live Phobos-Grunt tracker]

Please note these calculations are based on numerous factors and they can change in an instant.
 For the latest information on Phobos-Grunt Reentry


The below map from Roscosmos shows the anticipated orbit during which Phobos-Grunt is expected to make landfall. (Map Source: RussianSpaceWeb) You can see they have narrowed it down to one orbit.

It appears that Phobos-Grunt will miss North America, but landfall may occur on all other inhabited continents.

Click on the image to see the enlarged version.


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